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대한평형의학회 정회원
대한이과학회 정회원
The potential esthetic effect of endonasal septoplasty on the cartilaginous dorsum.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. 2021;23(1):42-48
Morbidities Associated With the Endoscopic Transnasal Transpterygoid Approach: Focusing on Postoperative Sequelae
World Neurosurgery. 2020;137:e43-e51
Sellar floor reconstruction during endoscopic transsphenoidal approach
J Korean Skull Base society 2019;14(2):10-15
Minimally invasive transcanal removal of attic cholesteatoma
J Korean ORL-HNS, 2017; 60(4): 158-163
Prognostic factors for recurrence of locally advanced differentiated thyroid cancer
J Surgical Oncol. 2017;116:877-883
Clinical outcomes of a 14-Day In-Hospital Stay Program in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Cancer Surgery With Free Flap Reconstruction Under the National Health Insurance System.
Clinical experimental Otolaryngology, 2019 Aug;12(3):308-316